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Hello I’m your trainer ilana

My story began when I was house sitting for a highly reactive Doberman Pinscher. This young puppy had poor manners that eventually developed into leash pulling, and leash reactivity. 



As an expert puller, it was cumbersome walking, and next to impossible to take this pup anywhere in public; jumping, barking, snarling at other dogs and people. 

I meet many people out there that can relate.


Basil came into my life as an 8 week old puppy and our incredible dog training journey together has been the best part of my day, and he is the most amazing partner and side kick that I could ever dream of having. I can't wait for you to meet him.​

Having over a decade of experience in education has enabled me to connect to families and children with ease, making training your furry friend a joy. Showing and teaching your family how to have the perfect canine companion can start with a few easy steps.

In Home Dog Training in the Greater Toronto Area

Feel free to call or message me anytime to chat about your doggo.

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